SUNSET Magazine is the leading media brand of the Western lifestyle. Its International Spirits Competition makes its winning spirits part of the most influential spirit program in the country. With the number of subscribers, demographic of the Sunset Magazine reader base and number of social media followers this competition is a must-enter for all spirit producers desiring exposure to a perfect audience.
The esteemed judging panels represent large volume buyers, influential media, successful distillers and other professionals from the spirits category.
Winning producers will be featured in a Spring release of a Spirits Special non-print, digital edition with supporting microsite. Promotions for Spirits Award Special Issue will be placed in sunset.com, Sunset eNewsletters and Sunset social sites. The edition will be promoted and available for 12 months or until the 2025 Spirit Awards winners are announced.

“We couldn’t be more impressed by the diversity and caliber of entrants this year,” says Sunset Editor-in-Chief Hugh Garvey. “A hearty cheers to the winners. We can’t wait to celebrate them in our pages and share their delicious accomplishments with our audience.” - 2023
Hugh Garvey, Editor-in-Chief
Reasons to Enter
The Spirits Market size is expected to grow from USD 584.97 billion in 2023 to USD 779.50 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 5.91% during the forecast period (2023-2028).
*It is expected that tequila will become the most valuable subcategory in the U.S. spirits market in 2023, overtaking vodka and whiskey*
Sources: 2018 MRI Doublebase. 2019 Sunset Digital Survey, 2022 & 2023 Sunset Media Kit, 2022 VinePair article, Mordor Intelligence, Gallup, Statista, and Park Street.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to enter?
Regular Entry: The registration fee is $345 per online entry / $195 Mixers and Pre-Mixed Cocktails.
Early Bird Entry *Deadline TBA*: The registration fee is $325 per online entry / $175 Mixers and Pre-Mixed Cocktails.
Is there a paper entry form?
When is the deadline to enter?
How many bottles need to be sent per entry?
When will the competition take place?
When will the winners be announced?
Where do I send my spirits?
Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Official Rules
Entry Deadline: TBA
*Early Bird Entry Deadline: TBA*
Shipping Deadline: 5pm - TBA
Judging: TBA
Regular Entry: Fees are $345 per entry online or $195 for Mixers and Pre-mixed Cocktails.
Early Bird Entry *Deadline: TBA*: Fees are $325 per entry online or $175 for Mixers and Pre-mixed Cocktails.
Spirits produced in any region of the world that meet the applicable federal legal requirements
Who may enter
Open to Commercial Distillers, Craft Distillers, Producers, Importers and Distributors
Advertising & Licensing Opportunities
Available a few months after completion of the competition, a special non-print, digital magazine edition with supporting microsite on sunset.com will launch. As part of the digital magazine there will be paid ad opportunities and paid listings in a microsite directory. These ad positions will allow for prominent placement and the larger ad units will allow for your ad to contain your label or logo image along with a link to your website and a “Buy Button” included on Awards page on Sunset.com. Also, if you are looking to leverage your award medal for commercial purposes there is a licensing program that is available upon request. This additional paid licensing program allows entrants to license, on an annual basis, the logo award for commercial purposes to boost sales using your Sunset award. As example, the licensing program will allow you to leverage the Sunset brand on your bottle label, neckers, case cards, shelf talkers and more. Please contact sunsetadops@sunset.com for pricing details for advertising and licensing opportunities.
An official entry shall consist of two (2) bottles, each bottle no less than 750 ml in volume or larger For sizes less than 750 ml, please submit three (3) bottles per entry
Any spirit that is delivered to the competition without a full and proper label will be disqualified from the judging. Please do not send spirits with laboratory, temporary, photocopied, or altered labels
Please note that only Best of Class winners will be receiving medals automatically. Gold medals will be made available upon request. Digital plaques will be available for all winners for use on websites, social media sites and/or email campaigns.